Sunday 12 April 2015

It's a beautiful day

in London, the sun is out, the sky is blue and I am listening to very nice music in a local coffee shop.
I am going to stop publishing my stories on Fetlife but will carry on doing so on my blog. At the moment I am in a writing frenzy so you are welcomed to pop in anytime, there may be a new adventure, a new sex scene, a new fantasy or a new cry for more love and hugs.
I have Beyoncé on full volume singing putting my love on top. This is what I am looking for now, someone who will put my love on top when I see them. I don't mind sharing, actually I am all for it as I only want love and more love around me. I must be in the wrong century / decade!
I need a lot of love but have also a lot of love to give and I just want someone who will consider me a priority rather than someone just there.

Baby, it's you
You're the one I love
You're the one I need
You're the only one I see, come on
Baby, it's you
You're the one that gives your all
You're the one I can always call
When I need to make everything stop
Finally you put my love on top

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