Tuesday 7 April 2015

Social trigger - 02/03/2015

Yesterday, I had a social trigger shortly after arriving to an event.
I know that groups are very fluids and things can change rapidly. You’re talking to AB& C and then D arrives. This is all fine. Where it was a bit more difficult and that caused me the trigger was that it resulted in me no longer part of that group (I was kind of cut off). I was left in limbo. I didn’t know what to do or even if I should do anything.
I have little social skills, especially when it involves more than 1 person. The past few months, I have gone against my grain and put myself out there. At school, I was never comfortable in groups in class because I couldn’t hear (I am part deaf). In the playground, I was virtually never in groups.
I don’t know how to gravitate around these fluidic people clusters. But I am learning. I won’t give up as I am not one to do so. I will get there.
I am not blaming anyone here as it is not the purpose of this writing. It is just a snapshot of something that happened to me which had a much bigger consequence than it should have had.
I will move on and I am feeling better for having put my thoughts in words.

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