Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Taking ownership of your destiny

This week having been horrendous on so many levels, I have the feeling of having survived a hurricane of trials and I can now say I have passed.
Today is a beautiful day in London. I have to prepare for a job interview on Monday and I have all the tools in my hand to recreate my life: being independent emotionally, including breaking the umbilical cord to my own insecurities, fears and unresolved issues. They needed to see the light of the day.
The sky is not blue. But the sun is out. As a friend told me, the light is always out there with me. I just needed to find it. I didn’t need to look for it, it is in me.
It starts with me and ends with me.
Before trusting someone else, I needed to trust myself. I now know that I am self-sufficient. I don’t need anyone to just be myself. I just need someone to share my happiness and exchange something beautiful. But it is not an end in itself, it is just part of me. And yet, comes to the worst and I am alone, I will still be self-sufficient.
BDSM enabled me to get there. Whoever was part or will be part of my journey, I am forever grateful to you as I have grown to be who I am as a person. I have so much more potential to grow and I want to learn. I never want to stop learning. That can only happen by being exposed to the outside world. I used to be terrified of the outside world and now look at me! The world is my oyster, my home, my learning ground… and I have found ME.

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