Sunday, 21 June 2015

Grey - ready for it?

OK, the Fifty Shades frenzy is here with us again, this time not from Anastasia's point of you but that of Christian Grey. We had a preview of this at the end of the third tome.

So lets brace ourselves for all the misconceptions, jokes, satire whatever coming from people who:

1. have not read the books
2. have read but is taking the author's words as if she wrote a documentary on a BDSM person rather than A WORK OF FICTION
3. are people from the scene and take everything she wrote at the first degree.

Let's be straight here: Christian Grey is an abusive bastard, but one who is growing as a person throughout the book.

Yes, Christian Grey is portrayed as damaged. But it is only a character in the book and it doesn't reflect reality.

My point is, it is all a work of fiction. Just get on with it. There are plenty of other books like that. It doesn't mean that they are a reflection of reality.

Us BDSM people are the same as non-BDSM people. We are not different to Bob, Peter or Charles. We just like our sex extra-spicy.

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