Friday, 3 July 2015

Submission - how easy it seems to come...

I have now been back on my road to submission for a week now and it is surprising how natural it feels to me. I have given up things that were not necessarily good for me and doing it within the dynamics completely remove the "oh I so miss it, I have to have it, I so have to have it" case. Because I am doing as part of my submission, there is no point thinking about it, it is so not going to happen.

I am faced with the challenges now of incorporating my submission into my every day life.

I so wanted to have these challenges, to do something positive for me & also have someone I could trust to push me that little bit forward.

Photography - writing

These are the areas I want to pursue in my own personal development. I want to be able to do both on equal basis and to do well. Someone today suggested I should become a professional photographer. I don't think I am at that level yet but I am definitely not bad and I have skills, an eye for the beautiful and quirky.

I have a feeling that my submission will help me develop these 2 areas, possibly because my Master is also a keen photographer and I have a few friends who happen to write eroticas, including my previous Dom.

I need to develop the Artist me.

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